There is already a static website generator in Pharo:
Maybe you should start from that?
It would be great.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 27 May 2020, at 19:49, Esteban Maringolo <> wrote:
> On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 3:59 AM Cédrick Béler <> wrote:
>>> Hi - a bit late to reply on this one, but I did try Jekyl years ago, it was 
>>> ok but over time frustrating to use and difficult to make the pipeline 
>>> understandable ...
>>> I looked at Hugo and a few others but ended up going with Metalsmith (a JS 
>>> static generator). I liked the plugable pipeline model of it, but cursed 
>>> the state of Js tools (a few years ago) .
>> It seems indeed that Jekyll can become frustrating. I’m using Hugo right 
>> now. I didn’t know metalsmith...
> I tried Jekyll and Gatsby.js, and albeit the latest is a mix of SSR
> and SPA, I found some of their ideas in how to organize content to be
> valuable, but I can't stand the tooling or the feeling of facing an
> unneeded accidental complexity.
>>> I’ve been meaning for ages to reimplement it in Smalltalk with a nice oo 
>>> composite pipeline model and an easy way to debug and visualise what is 
>>> going when getting your template right.
>> I’ve tried to restrain myself not to redo it in smalltalk but that would be 
>> great option. I don’t know the required effort though but I’ll be glad to be 
>> part of such project.
> I spent the last weekend giving a try to that Gatbsy thing (nuxt.js
> and vuepress are in the backlog too), and at 10PM on sunday I decided
> to start coding something in Smalltalk, because it just feels better
> to me.
> I don't know how harder would it be, but that's a tool we currently
> lack, the static-site generator. And we have support for different
> templating, rendering canvas, and whatnot.
>>> Combine this with the new headless image and it should easily plug into 
>>> netlify .
>> Plus to netlify but also class export to servers. I thing Git(hubs) Pages 
>> are a nice option. In any cas, one nice pattern is to use git to store pages 
>> versions, and then you can replay on Pages / or on your own server / or on 
>> netlify.
> When I think about netlify I don't think about an app (as in, an
> executable) but as a simple static site, but if it possible to deploy
> an app that is distributed and served by their CDN, then better!
>> I also wonder what would be possible with mini-image like Erik did.
> I need to see more!
> I don't know how independent a client image can be, how much you can
> "pre-deploy" without needed to rehydrate the browser with server
> changes, etc.
> It's promising.
> Regards!

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