Hi Paul,

thanks for the info but I won't read it. I try to focus on things that matter. 
There are too many things that try to distract everyone from producing 
something helpful. Law suits are IMHO not of that kind. 

I would rather put some money on the table for someone building proper FFI to 
openssl. The Cryptography was a mess I cleaned a bit but I had also scenarios 
where the squeak code was not working properly. And there is no real reason to 
have a smalltalk implementation of crypto if we carry around openssl anyway 
(for iceberg and secure connects).

PierceNg has an implementation that implements a subset of openssl. This 
implementation is modeled after the library so lots of class methods. I'd 
prefer to have something more object model like. 

So if you think you can implement this please contact me and tell me what you 
think how long it takes and how much it will cost to do at least the things we 
have now in Cryptography. I'm willing to collect money or pay it myself.


> Am 31.05.2020 um 16:04 schrieb Paul DeBruicker <pdebr...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Norbert,
> The EFF gives a nice overview of the US situation:
> https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/08/us-export-controls-and-published-encryption-source-code-explained
> <https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/08/us-export-controls-and-published-encryption-source-code-explained>
> Although you are not a US citizen, and don't live here,  so I don't know how
> it could affect you.  
> In the link above the EFF does say they provide free consultations about
> this topic so I'm sure someone there will clear things up for you.
> Paul
> NorbertHartl wrote
>> Yes, let us coordinate what to respond. To me this doesn't even sound like
>> Ron. Usually he is a rather quite and reasonable guy. Seems to be a lot of
>> misunderstandings here (again).
>> As I was the one copying the Cryptography package to github it concerns me
>> a bit. I've been remembered now about yet another strange law suit in the
>> US and indeed we need to raise a bit of awareness for this. 
>> So let's figure out what has to be done. 
>> Norbert
>>> Am 30.05.2020 um 14:43 schrieb Stéphane Ducasse &lt;
>> stephane.ducasse@
>> &gt;:
>>> Hi all
>>> This is the week-end and we worked super well yesterday during the
>>> sprint. Lot of good enhancements - Thanks a lot to all the participants. 
>>> I not really happy to be forced to do it on a sunny saturday but I’m
>>> doing it to clarify points.
>>> Esteban sent me this text that was posted on Squeak-Dev (I personally do
>>> not read squeak related forums because 
>>> I have not the time and my focus is Pharo, its consortium, my team, my
>>> research and my family). 
>>> We have to react because 
>>>     - We do not really at ***all** understand this email
>>>     - We did not kicked anybody from our mailing-list from ages - so ron is
>>> lying. In the past we even had discussion with ron - so we do not 
>>>     really understand. May be we got problem to log on our mailing-lists. 
>>>     We have no idea because we are working and not looking at such things.  
>>>     - When we migrated smalltalkhub to readonly we payed attention to make
>>> sure that private projects stay private.
>>>     We did not migrated smalltalkhub for fun. We MUST do it or it will be
>>> done by our infrastructure!
>>>     - Now the cryptography packages are MIT and they are public anyway. So
>>> again we do not understand anything. 
>>> We do not get why Ron contacted us because we announced the migration
>>> publicly way in advance and we will keep 
>>> the Smalltalkhub frozen repo for at least next 5 years. 
>>> I feel really sorry to hear such kind of email because we do not want to
>>> fight with anybody. 
>>> Our goal is to make sure that people can work with Pharo and expand their
>>> business and knowledge. 
>>> We are working hard to make sure that people can invent their future with
>>> Pharo and people that know us personally 
>>> know that we are not lying.
>>> S
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I've tried to work with the Pharo group but they keep kicking me out of
>>>> their mailing list.  I've already mentioned this a number of times to
>>>> the Pharo group but nobody seems to care.  
>>>> I am not a lawyer but we used very good lawyers to make the squeaksource
>>>> repository a safe place to do cryptography work.  If you are working on
>>>> cryptography DO NOT POST your code anywhere except squeaksource. 
>>>> Especially if you are in the USA.  The ONLY repository that is approved
>>>> to host our cryptography code in the USA and therefore not subject to
>>>> criminal violations is squeaksource.  It is a CRIME in the USA to move
>>>> code and make it available on the internet for everyone to download! It
>>>> must be hosted on squeaksoruce.com <http://squeaksoruce.com/> 
>>>> &lt;http://squeaksoruce.com/&gt <http://squeaksoruce.com/&gt>; or
>>>> another location that is also properly registered. 
>>>> REGISTERED I would recommend you delete it immediately.
>>>> END BOLD!  
>>>> Please feel free to post this to the Pharo mailing list because they
>>>> apparently do not want to hear from me!
>>>> All the best,
>>>> Ron Teitelbaum
>>> --------------------------------------------
>>> Stéphane Ducasse
>>> http://stephane.ducasse.free.fr <http://stephane.ducasse.free.fr/> 
>>> &lt;http://stephane.ducasse.free.fr/&gt 
>>> <http://stephane.ducasse.free.fr/&gt>;
>>> / http://www.pharo.org <http://www.pharo.org/> &lt;http://www.pharo.org/&gt 
>>> <http://www.pharo.org/&gt>; 
>>> 03 59 35 87 52
>>> Assistant: Aurore Dalle 
>>> FAX 03 59 57 78 50
>>> TEL 03 59 35 86 16
>>> S. Ducasse - Inria
>>> 40, avenue Halley, 
>>> Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Bât.A, Park Plaza
>>> Villeneuve d'Ascq 59650
>>> France
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Developers-f1294837.html 
> <http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Developers-f1294837.html>

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