Smalltalkhub is now to able to distinguish between raw and not raw mcz listing 

I already use the apache directory index for another page so I will not be able 
to modify this one. I guess the current index will «  not work » because glass 
expect some HTML structure.
Could you confirm and tell me what is the expected structure?


> Le 28 août 2020 à 09:37, Christophe Demarey <> a 
> écrit :
> Hi Dale,
> I would not call it a bug but an omission ;)
> It is hard to guess that a tool is scraping an html page to get data.
> Nevertheless, I will take a look today to find a solution for Glass to work 
> again with smalltalkhub.
> Could you tell me what is the expected output? What is the html structure 
> that is expected?
> I think I can find a solution to produce an html page through apache index 
> listing and rewrite rules to catch URLs like 
> Thanks,
> Christophe.
>> Le 27 août 2020 à 23:50, Dale Henrichs <> a 
>> écrit :
>> That makes sense and confirms that the static site has a bug ... portions of 
>> my work are on hold until the SmalltalkHub issue is resolved and at least 
>> one other GemStone user is impacted, so far...
>> Dale
>> On 8/27/20 2:41 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>>> The static version of StHub seems to always assume the client is Pharo, 
>>> while the dynamic version used format=raw (which non-Pharo implementation 
>>> did not include in their request for the listing) to send the Pharo 
>>> specific response only then.
>>>> On 27 Aug 2020, at 23:34, Dale Henrichs <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Depends upon how old that optimized code is ... as little as a 15 days 
>>>> ago, the last time my travis cron job ran successfully[1], the pharo code 
>>>> presumably was handling html page returns ... I'm pretty certain I haven't 
>>>> touched the Monticello HTTP handling code for nearly a decade:)
>>>> Dale
>>>> [1]
>>>> On 8/27/20 1:44 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>>>>> Hmm, this is going to be a hard one.
>>>>> SmalltalkHub got optimised in Pharo, consider
>>>>> MCHttpRepository>>#parseFileNamesFromStream: aStream
>>>>>   | names fullName |
>>>>>   names := OrderedCollection new.
>>>>>   [aStream atEnd] whileFalse:
>>>>>           [[aStream upTo: $<. {$a. $A. nil} includes: aStream next] 
>>>>> whileFalse.
>>>>>           aStream upTo: $".
>>>>>           aStream atEnd ifFalse: [
>>>>>                   fullName := aStream upTo: $".
>>>>>                   names add: fullName urlDecoded ]].
>>>>>   ^ names
>>>>> vs.
>>>>> MCSmalltalkHubRepository>>#parseFileNamesFromStream: 
>>>>> aNewLineDelimitedString
>>>>>   ^ aNewLineDelimitedString
>>>>>           ifNil: [ ^ OrderedCollection new ]
>>>>>           ifNotNil: [ aNewLineDelimitedString substrings: String crlf ]
>>>>> In the old server code there was probably a way to detect what kind of 
>>>>> client was making the request to determine how to respond. I am not sure 
>>>>> a static server can do that (it is the format=raw query parameter, see 
>>>>> MCSmalltalkHubRepository>>#loadAllFileNames). I also believe GZIP 
>>>>> compressed files were returned in the optimised case.
>>>>> BTW, there exists code to generate the listing in
>>>>> ZnMonticelloRepository>>#repositoryListing
>>>>>   ^ ZnHtmlOutputStream streamContents: [ :html |
>>>>>           html page: 'Monticello Repository' do: [
>>>>>                   html tag: #ul do: [
>>>>>                           self mczEntries do: [ :each |
>>>>>                                   html tag: #li do: [
>>>>>                                           html
>>>>>                                                   tag: #a
>>>>>                                                   attributes: { #href. 
>>>>> each }
>>>>>                                                   with: each ] ] ] ] ]
>>>>> Sven
>>>>>> On 27 Aug 2020, at 22:29, Dale Henrichs 
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> My guess is lies in the difference in the payload returned.
>>>>>> produces a html page:
>>>>>> <pnioijaecacnfagp.png>
>>>>>> and the static smalltalkhub site does not:
>>>>>> <lepkhlgeiolajoki.png>
>>>>>> I think that all of the monticello web sites return an html web page 
>>>>>> listing of packages and presumably the static site should produce html  
>>>>>> ... I'm sure that the dynamic version of smalltalkhub produced html 
>>>>>> pages as well and for now we are caught between a rock and a hard place 
>>>>>> ... the dynamic site is flakey and the static site breaks existing 
>>>>>> Monticello package list reading code:)
>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>> On 8/27/20 1:04 PM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
>>>>>>> As I've started digging around, I have found that this url[1] does 
>>>>>>> produce the correct list of mcz files in the browser, but is currently 
>>>>>>> failing to produce any list at all in GLASS ... so there is a different 
>>>>>>> mystery ... other than the fact that this url[1] was working prior(?) 
>>>>>>> to the switchover (if in fact the DNS has propagated to all the right 
>>>>>>> spots) and has been working for all of the other http Monticello 
>>>>>>> repositories for over a decade:)
>>>>>>> I will continue digging ...
>>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>> On 8/27/20 12:48 PM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
>>>>>>>> Christophe,
>>>>>>>> There is a new(?) problem that we are having that has been reported in 
>>>>>>>> this thread on the GLASS list[1] where I am able to successfully 
>>>>>>>> download an mcz file [2], but get a `Not Found` error when I try to 
>>>>>>>> list the mcz files in a project[3]. The missing mcz list is consistent 
>>>>>>>> with the failed builds that I am now seeing on travis [4] and that are 
>>>>>>>> being reported by Brodbeck[1]. I have yet to get to a point where I 
>>>>>>>> can debug the problems directly and determine what is actually going 
>>>>>>>> on and of course I can't tell if these are the results of slow DNS 
>>>>>>>> propagation.
>>>>>>>> In this case [2][3], the list of file shows up on the dynamic(?) site:
>>>>>>>> <popmbnhcnehhanno.png>
>>>>>>>> and can be downloaded by pressing the download for the selected mcz 
>>>>>>>> file, but the missing list of packages[3] is likely to be the root 
>>>>>>>> cause of the problem.
>>>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>>>> [1] 
>>>>>>>> [2] 
>>>>>>>> [3]
>>>>>>>> [4] 
>>>>>>>> On 8/27/20 5:36 AM, Christophe Demarey wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Dale,
>>>>>>>>> Sorry, I did not see your message before.
>>>>>>>>> Yesterday, I switched smalltalkhub to the static version (a bit 
>>>>>>>>> earlier than announced) to avoid frequent downtimes we had with 
>>>>>>>>> smalltalkhub.
>>>>>>>>> I did not measure but downloads should now be faster and reliable.
>>>>>>>>> Do not hesitate to ping if you have any problem.
>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>> Christophe
>>>>>>>>>> Le 26 août 2020 à 18:12, Dale Henrichs 
>>>>>>>>>> <> a écrit :
>>>>>>>>>> Well, I haven't see any email response, but today (after two days of 
>>>>>>>>>> brokenness), 
>>>>>>>>>>  is now downloading successfully, so THANK YOU, to whoever fixed the 
>>>>>>>>>> problem!
>>>>>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>>>>>> On 8/25/20 9:02 AM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> SmalltalkHub mcz downloads are broken ... looks like a mongo server 
>>>>>>>>>>> has gone down? .... I ran into this problem running production 
>>>>>>>>>>> tests yesterday and today I find that while the smalltalkhub site 
>>>>>>>>>>> is up, I cannot download an mcz file, using this url: 
>>>>>>>>>>> If you are not going to keep the current smalltalkhub site 
>>>>>>>>>>> functional, why don't you switch to the static site and give those 
>>>>>>>>>>> of us who DEPEND upon static access to mcz files a reliable site to 
>>>>>>>>>>> connect to ... I have plans to move completely away from mcz files, 
>>>>>>>>>>> but I didn't plan on doing that this week ... and frankly I don't 
>>>>>>>>>>> have the cycles to do that ... right now ...
>>>>>>>>>>> Here's a screenshot of a manual login and navigation to the mcz 
>>>>>>>>>>> file that is failing to download:
>>>>>>>>>>> <jchancldefkbdajd.png>
>>>>>>>>>>> And when I press the `Download .mcz` button, I get the following 
>>>>>>>>>>> "response" after a delay:
>>>>>>>>>>> <lnonccpgaamnnobg.png>

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