Load the Polymorph-TaskbarIcons package for different icons for (some) 

I could add a taskbarTaskLabel method that could be used to return an 
abbreviated version of the window titles...

Regards, Gary.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Francois Stephany" <tulipe.mouta...@gmail.com>
To: <pharo-project@lists.gforge.inria.fr>
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 10:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Pharo-project] Call for UI gripes

> Hi Gary,
> Thanks for Polymorph, it does a very good job when showing Squeak/Pharo
> to Smalltalk-advert people...
> A thing that i find clumsy with watery is the taskbar. There is no way
> to distinguish Browsers/workspace/other windows. The original Squeak
> uses different colors for that. Maybe the icon displayed in the bar
> could tell the type of the window instead of the generic one currently 
> used.
> Another annoying thing is the title of OB browser: 'OB Package browser:
> theClassCurrentlyBrowsed'. As the buttons in the taskbar are too small
> to display the whole title, we end up with many 'OB Packag...' buttons.
> I use a tiny patch to get rid of that (see the joined changeset).
> Cheers,
> Francois
> Gary Chambers a écrit :
>> Anything that anyone thinks could be improved?
>> Happy to consider things... just would be nice to have a central point 
>> for
>> moving forward with Polymorph (in particular) or other tools...
>> There is a possibility of open-source release of the PackageListTool
>> (http://www.flickr.com/photos/12018...@n06/2616669616/in/set-72157601659393251/)
>> if there is any interest.
>> Regards, Gary.


> 'From Pharo0.1 of 16 May 2008 [Latest update: #10211] on 30 January 2009 
> at 11:41:18 pm'!
> !OBBrowser methodsFor: 'callbacks' stamp: 'francoisstephany 1/30/2009 
> 23:40'!
> labelString
> | label |
> label := self navigationPanel labelString.
> ^label
> ifNil: [self defaultLabel]
> ifNotNil: [label printString ]! !


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