2009/2/7 Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.duca...@inria.fr>:
> When I here that I'm like puzzled.
> We never said that we will not integrate code that speed up pharo.
> We started with marcus to clean morphic and there are certainly a
> large place for
> possible improvement.
> Now if you wait that we do it. May be it will happen or may be not.
> Because we have also quite busy agenda.

OB is quite complex thing, and its hard to understand what it does for
outsider :)

I just identified a few points, which can improve rendering speed by a
certain amount:

a test code:
MessageTally spyOn:[self fullDrawOn: World assuredCanvas].

where 'self' is a mid-sized browser window displayed on screen,
non-obstructed with another morphs (Watery 2 theme).

- default.
  60 ms

- with override in SystemWindow>>drawDropShadowOn: aCanvas to do nothing:
  51 ms

- with override in OBMonticelloPackageNode>>classCategories to return
cached collection
  45 ms

so, here we won 15 ms, which is 1/4 of total rendering time by
changing just two methods.
Of course, numbers may vary for different browser sizes (more time
spent on fills), and different data viewed (more lists traversal etc).

I'm attached the changeset with patched method, but i'm not sure about
cache - it should be updated when user adds new category, and i don't
know how to hook to such events to flush the cache. I think that
people who know OB better could do that with ease.

> Stef
> On Feb 7, 2009, at 6:31 PM, Ramon Leon wrote:
>>> The biggest concern I have right now is speed.  I'm not
>>> saying Pharo is too slow; I'm simply admitting that I do not
>>> know whether it is fast enough for some of the things I want to do.
>> +10 to this.
>> The UI is looking really great lately, but overall the experience is
>> it's
>> just too slow.  Cracking open a raw squeak base image reminds me how
>> snappy
>> the UI used to be.  Not really complaining, it's totally bearable,
>> but it'd
>> sure be nice if the pretty UI was quick and snappy, and you are
>> asking.
>> Ramon Leon
>> http://onsmalltalk.com
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Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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