2009/2/9 Michael Rueger <m.rue...@acm.org>:
> Igor Stasenko wrote:
>> what is not very convenient is that copy/paste (as well as the rest of
>> keyboard shortcuts ) is not working when keyboard layout not english.
> You mean you are typing the equivalent of alt-c etc on the Russian
> keyboard/layout? Or how do the ASCII short cuts map?
> Didn't someone create a mapping that would work?

I think that shortcuts should be bound to meta-keys (or hardware key
scan code), so then regardless of keyboard layout, pressing alt-c
should be understood as a 'copy' action.
I'm not sure if VM passing enough information in keyboard event to
image side to use keyboard scan codes, instead of converted to
ASCII/Unicode character values.
Of course one could always create a mapping for own keyboard layout..
But this leads to situation that it will require to provide mappings
for all existing languages in the world :)

> Michael
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Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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