I'm looking at a Pharo core #10241 image.


On Feb 24, 2009, at 10:48 , Igor Stasenko wrote:

> 2009/2/24 Adrian Lienhard <a...@netstyle.ch>:
>> Sensor kbdTest
> "There is no implementors of kbdTest"
> :(
> What image might contain this method?
>> HTH,
>> Adrian
>> On Feb 24, 2009, at 09:48 , Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>> 2009/2/24 Michael Rueger <m.rue...@acm.org>:
>>>> Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>>>> what is not very convenient is that copy/paste (as well as the
>>>>> rest of
>>>>> keyboard shortcuts ) is not working when keyboard layout not
>>>>> english.
>>>> If you could be so kind to tell me what comes back in slot 3 of the
>>>> input event on your Russian keyboard if you simply type the
>>>> equivalent
>>>> of 'xcv' (without alt or ctrl)?
>>>> I'm interested in what comes back on the keyDown and the keystroke
>>>> event.
>>> I tried something like this
>>> [ | event |
>>>  event := Sensor peekEvent.
>>>  event ifNotNil: [
>>>       ((event first = 2) and: [event fourth = 1] ) ifTrue: [
>>>       Transcript show: (event third printStringRadix: 16); cr.
>>>       ] ] ] repeat
>>> but it not shows anything :(
>>> Have a snippet which i can run to show key codes?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Michael
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>>> Best regards,
>>> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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