On 20.01.2010 15:59, Igor Stasenko wrote:
> Is it virtually possible to run it in Squeak image, since its not
> depends on OB anymore?
Not quite.
1. In MCClassDefinition>> loadClass, isEmpty is sent to 
traitComposition, since O2 includes classes with trait definitions as a 
single trait, it'd have to be rewritten to:
composition := self traitComposition  ifNotNil:[: trait | Compiler 
evaluate: trait].
     (composition isNil and:[class traitComposition isEmpty]) ifFalse:[
         class setTraitComposition: composition asTraitComposition.
in order to load them correctly.

2. In ConfigurationOfO2, the baseline10 would have to change spec for: 
#pharo into spec for: #common.

After those two changes, it still won't work, as O2 relies on one of the 
classes originally included (but really unrelated to) in the Traits 
category, and this has been removed from Squeak.
If you make an external package with that, and modify the baseline to 
include a spec for: #squeak which imports said package, it might.


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