On 19.01.2010 23:03, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
> Dear All,
> For people who do not know, O2 is the browser David has implemented in
> the last few years. It replaces class-categories on the left-hand side
> pane with a list of packages. We are still away from having packages
> as real first class entities, but this is a good step toward. Note
> that some people find O2 a bit slower than other available code
> browsers.
> David and I spent some time on fixing O2. O2 has now no dependencies
> to OB anymore.
> We would like that people try it and submit bug reports on the google
> bug tracker. In a fresh 10505, you can load O2 by evaluating:
> Gofer new squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository'; package:
> 'ConfigurationOfO2'; load. (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfO2) perform:
> #loadDefault
> O2 does not need OB whatsoever. O2 loads in a Core (I tried in a
> 11165). Before and after loading O2, running OB tests give "548 run,
> 547 passes, 1 failures" [*].
> Cheers,
> Alexandre
> [*] the test have been loaded using (ConfigurationOfOmniBrowser
> project version: '1.1')  load: 'Dev Tests'

OR2PackageBrowser does not open, it lacks a defaultRootNode method 
returning other than nil.
Is the focus mainly on the O2* browsers, or should OR2* also work?


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