Hi, I've been browsing the different ways to use OpenGL in pharo and squeak.
Here is a log of the results:

1 - Baloon3D - It looks like a layer on which
squeaksource.com/OpenGLstands, so to use opengl you load balloon3d,
then opengl and if you have the
Balloon3dPlugin available then you can use OpenGL. This seems to include
code dated from 2007/before. It loads fine in Squeak but in pharo I get many
errors (load balloon3d-all in pharo1.0 rc2).

2 - GLMorphic - It uses FFI, so no plugin is needed, but it seems to be
programmed only for windows, and I'm working in linux now.

3 - AlienOpenGL - It uses the new Alien FFI, which is only available in Mac

So, the question is: is there any way to play with OpenGL in pharo on linux
platform ?


Javier Pimás
Ciudad de Buenos Aires
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