In MacOSX,  this works  just fine.

config := Gofer new
        url: ''; 
        package: 'ConfigurationOfAlienOpenGL';
config  load.
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfAlienOpenGL) perform:#loadDefault  .

(Smalltalk at: #AlienOpenGLLibraryExamples) new 


On Mar 19, 2010, at 6:38 PM, Lawson English wrote:

> Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
>> On Feb 10, 2010, at 3:01 AM, Javier Pimás wrote:
>>> Hi, I've been browsing the different ways to use OpenGL in pharo and 
>>> squeak. Here is a log of the results:
>>> 1 - Baloon3D - It looks like a layer on which 
>>> stands, so to use opengl you load balloon3d, then opengl and if you have 
>>> the Balloon3dPlugin available then you can use OpenGL. This seems to 
>>> include code dated from 2007/before. It loads fine in Squeak but in pharo I 
>>> get many errors (load balloon3d-all in pharo1.0 rc2).
>> Thanks Javier 
>> May be you should check the problem because I do not really see why this 
>> would be a real problem.
>> Can you let us know what is the error?
> I'm having the same problem with Pharo 1.0 RC* and OpenGL. There doesn't 
> seem to be any way to get any of the existing solutions loaded. At one 
> point or another, everything I have tried, barfs.
> (MacOS X Snow Leopard, so perhaps its that pesky path bug again)
> Lawson
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