
I've just tried on Archlinux with Squeak- VM from pharo website
and it works (not with Exupery VM).

Laurent Laffont

2010/2/10 Javier Pimás <elpochodelage...@gmail.com>

> Fernando,
>             thanks for the tips. I read about lumiere before, but I'm not
> looking for a complete 3d framework, just the opengl wrappers to do some
> experiments. A complete framework would be too much for what I want to try
> (hw acelerated 2d animations). Anyway, your pdf gave me a better idea of the
> status of all the available projects.
>  As of Croquet, yes, someone decoupled the OpenGL part (which is the same I
> tested yesterday and depends on Ballon3D). I finally was able to load it in
> pharo! If anyone is interested here are the steps:
> Take a pharo image (mine had FFI and VMMaker already loaded, I don't know
> if they were needed at all)
> In monticello add squeaksource.com/Balloon3D. Open it and load just this
> packages in order: Balloon3D-constants, Balloon3D-kernel, Balloon3D-math.
> Now add squeaksource.com/OpenGL and load it.
> That's all to load it, to try it, doit this code, and when you get errors
> change occurrences of Smalltalk to SmalltalkImage current.
> ogl := OpenGL newIn: (0...@0 extent: 3...@300).
> green := 1.
> canvas := OGLCanvas new initialize: ogl.
> fade:= 0.
>     1000 timesRepeat: [
>        ogl glClearColor:0 with: fade with: 0 with: 1.
>         ogl glClear: 16r4000.
>         ogl swapBuffers.
>        fade := fade + 0.001.
>     ].
> fade := 0.
> I think the best way would be to use AlienOpenGL, which is the future, but
> for that I'll have to wait alien support in linux.
> Regards,
>           Javier.
> 2010/2/10 Fernando olivero <olive...@lu.unisi.ch>
>> Hola Javier,  on top of AlienOpenGL , which is just an interface to
>> OpenGL, i've built a 3d framework with better abstractions called Lumiere. (
>> http://www.inf.usi.ch/phd/olivero/LumierePage.html  (A little bit
>> outdated...i've added a couple of more things recently..)
>> In this  paper that  we presented at the last ESUG/IWST 09 , with also did
>> brief survey of OpenGL in smalltalk. (
>> www.esug.org/data/ESUG2009/IWST/iwst09_submission_6.pd)
>> If there's a plugin for AlienFFI for Linux i'm not sure. But have you
>> tried the FFI binding of OGL of Croquet? That one works in Linux. Look in
>> squeaksource, because i remember someone decoupled the OGL wrapper from
>> Croquet and put it there.
>> I dont know if June ( for visual works) works in linux, but you could take
>> a look of it.
>> Saludos,
>> Fernando
>> On Feb 10, 2010, at 3:01 AM, Javier Pimás wrote:
>> Hi, I've been browsing the different ways to use OpenGL in pharo and
>> squeak. Here is a log of the results:
>> 1 - Baloon3D - It looks like a layer on which squeaksource.com/OpenGLstands, 
>> so to use opengl you load balloon3d, then opengl and if you have the
>> Balloon3dPlugin available then you can use OpenGL. This seems to include
>> code dated from 2007/before. It loads fine in Squeak but in pharo I get many
>> errors (load balloon3d-all in pharo1.0 rc2).
>> 2 - GLMorphic - It uses FFI, so no plugin is needed, but it seems to be
>> programmed only for windows, and I'm working in linux now.
>> 3 - AlienOpenGL - It uses the new Alien FFI, which is only available in
>> Mac platform.
>> So, the question is: is there any way to play with OpenGL in pharo on
>> linux platform ?
>> Regards,
>>              Javier.
>> --
>> Javier Pimás
>> Ciudad de Buenos Aires
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> --
> Javier Pimás
> Ciudad de Buenos Aires
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