On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 10:10 AM, Torsten Bergmann <asta...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Stef wrote:
> > does this plan look ok for you?
> Yes
> Alexandre wrote:
> >Ok for me. But we need a Beta that is regularly built for this.
> +1 especially since it is currently broken
> (see
> http://lists.gforge.inria.fr/pipermail/pharo-project/2010-May/027376.html)
It is not broken. As you see in the name of the image: Pharo-1.1-*11367*
AND in the name of the metacello version: '1.1-beta1.10517'.

So...if you take a Core 11367 and load the metacellol version, it will work
perfect. That's not broken.

How can you assure that for any core version the same metacello version can
work on it?  That's impossible.

> Stef wrote
> >I found the traits bug :)
> OK, can we expect a fix in the next update (11373?).
I don't know. If someone proposes a fix, then yes. Probaly next week I can
create a Pharo beta2 if you want.

> Using ConfigurationOfPharo anyone is able to rebuild an own
> beta to test and from time to time mariano can upload a full
> beta image.
Yes, but it is not a matter of the ConfigurationOfPharo. I can update it,
but if noone fixes Nile...



> T.
> --
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