Benjamin Van Ryseghem wrote:
Hello everybody

I'm now working on a new Test Runner tool and I wonder which behaviours do you want me to implement.

For now, I want the Test Sprinter to be able to :
    - search through packages and classes thanks to search fields.
    - browse the hierarchy from packages to test methods (with icons).
    - create groups of tests easily re-runnable.

If you have any ideas, I'm waiting for them ;)

For me - I miss the following:

A keyboard shortcut to run the tests directly without a mouse (ideally a way to run the single test my cursor is on, its suite of tests, and all tests like you imply above).

A way to see the error msg of each test in one glance - e.g. If I make a change, run my tests and then can see that 10 of them all have the same DNU error, that tells me useful information. Currently it seems that you just see pass fail, and have to run the failures one at a time to see if they have the same error - or potentially different errors.

History - e.g. what was that last error again? I thought I fixed it but maybe I didn't understand it properly.


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