The inspector is currently used to view the object log in the development vm...for large object logs it makes sense to filter the log before viewing.

For external viewing I have a Seaside Component that allows one to filter and sort the object log entries as well as delete entries from the ObjectLog ...

Since GemStone runs with multiple vms, you can use a separate vm to look at the shared object log ... ..

The RCQueue (and OrderedCollections for that matter) in GemStone don't incur performance hits as the collection grows over time (unlike growing OrderedCollections in a normal client Smalltalk), but then GemStone was designed with very large collections in mind:)...

GemStone was designed to handle collections and object graphs that can be larger than available memory, so you can forget about the object log until start running out of repository space (basically disk space) ...

For the Pharo, I would think that the fact that an Object log could accumulate a whole lot of stuff is real limiting factor...there'd need to be a process that continuously pruned objects from the object log over time .... so a thread safe linked list might be a better choice for the Object log collection ...


Schwab,Wilhelm K wrote:
You mention something for viewing the log in-image.  Dumb question: can it be 
left running and safely forgotten, or does it suffer under high load?  Is there 
a way to view the log from outside of a running image?  The latter is less 
important in proportion to the robustness of the in-image viewer.  One thing 
that I often miss is DebugView; it would be really nice to find an equivalent 
on Linux.


[] On Behalf Of Dale Henrichs 
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Pharo-project] simpleLog in pharo?

Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
I will chekc I would like an object that represent wht is logged.
do you have that?
I do not want strings strings strings.

On Sep 8, 2010, at 12:39 PM, Göran Krampe wrote:

On 09/08/2010 11:45 AM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
+ 1
If someone could look at simpleLog (because we need to change this situation 
and get a good logging mechanism)
We need much better infrastructure.... and we will build them.
I wrote SimpleLog (in the Gjallar project) and feel free to pick/use it - it is 
small and maps easily to Syslog (I copied the levels that syslog has) and also 
has a syslog emitter which is *very* nice when you build Seaside apps and want 
to run multiple images with a load balancer in front for example.

There are several logging libs but... well, I think SimpleLog strikes a nice 
balance of functionality and simplicity.

regards, Göran

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In GLASS we have the ObjectLog ... the implementation is based upon
RCQueue's (so that multiple vm's can concurrently add entries), but it
is can be thought of as an OrderedCollection ObjectLogEntry instances:

Object subclass: 'ObjectLogEntry'
        instVarNames: #( pid stamp label
                          priority object tag)
        classVars: #( ObjectLog ObjectQueue)
        classInstVars: #()
        poolDictionaries: #[]
        inDictionary: ''
        category: 'Bootstrap-Gemstone'

The pid and ObjectQueue are GemStone-specific ...
   - stamp DateAndTime
   - label String
   - priority Integer
   - object Object
   - tag Object

GLASS has an ObjectLog component for viewing the object log ...
inspector for in-image-viewing. There are currently 7 priorities defined:

   fatal      - 1
   error      - 2
   warn       - 3
   info       - 4
   debug      - 5
   trace      - 6
   transcript - 7

Yes Transcript messages are added to the ObjectLog ... very convenient ...

Entries are added to the log via something like the following:

     info: 'label string'
     object: #( #hello 'world') addToLog.

For GLASS I have a handful of subclasses of ObjectLogEntry that store
things like a continuation and/or the url that caused the error...


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