On 09/08/2010 10:50 PM, Schwab,Wilhelm K wrote:
You mention something for viewing the log in-image.  Dumb question: can it be 
left running and safely forgotten, or does it suffer
> under high load? Is there a way to view the log from outside of a running image? The latter is less important in proportion > to the robustness of the in-image viewer. One thing that I often miss is DebugView; it would be really nice to find an equivalent on Linux.


SimpleLog has a LogMorph, I didn't write it but it registers itself as an emitter. Not sure what it does if it is "left running" :) It could probably use a "max backlog" or something, if it doesn't have that already.

Viewing the log from outside: There are two "ways". First there is a logfile emitter - which writes to a log file and also does log file rotation after a max size etc. So you could always "tail" that file.

Second is to use the syslog emitter - which IMHO is the best. That emitter uses syslog UDP standard messages to the local syslog port and then - on a normal linux box - your stuff will end up in the system log.

From there you have TONS of tools.

regards, Göran

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