Am 2011-04-20 um 15:44 schrieb Germán Arduino:

> 2011/4/20 Tobias Pape <>:
>> Am 2011-04-20 um 14:19 schrieb Torsten Bergmann:
>>> Hi Tobias,
>>> looks like it is basically working. I used a clean Pharo 1.2.1, then loaded 
>>> Seaside
>>> Gofer new
>>>               squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
>>>               package: 'ConfigurationOfSeaside30';
>>>       load.
>>>       ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSeaside30) project latestVersion) 
>>> load.
>>> then loaded you script:
>>> Gofer new
>>>       squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
>>>       package: 'ConfigurationOfSqueakSource';
>>>       load.
>>> ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSqueakSource) project version: 
>>> #development) load.
>>> After that I started Seaside using the seaside control panel
>>> and went to http://localhost:9094/installSS
>>> I got two errors, but after proceeding I was able to run
>>> an instance of SS3. Cool.
>> I would be certainly interested in the errors.
> In a Squeak 4.2 image with seaside preloaded, trying to install
> SqueakSource3, the first error coming is:
> MessageNotUnderstood: MethodContext>>tempScopedNames (seems to be in
> WAPharoWalkback).

Ah, that one…, -.-'
One of the differences between Squeak and Pharo.
The method is called tempNames in Squeak and was in earlier Pharos.
Now the Pharo one changed and is used henceforth in WAPharoWalkback.

That is a Seasdie problem, after all.
Possible solutions:
1) hack the imaged and add MethodContext>>tempScopedNames to return self 
2) persuade the Squeak community to rename tempNames to tempScopedNames (just 
3) persuade the Pharo community to re-rename tempScopedNames to tempNames 
(well, just kidding, too)
4) persuade the Seaside-developers to 
        a) Create a WASqueakWalkback that is like the WAPharoWalkback but uses 
the indicated message or
        b) make the tempScopedNames-message ‘greasy’, ie, marked as 

BTW: when a Walkback is popping up, there must be a root cause, 
would you like to seek for that?

So Long,

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