On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 3:35 AM, Eliot Miranda <eliot.mira...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Martin and Mariano,
>     a couple of questions.  What's the right way to exclude certain objects
> from the serialization?  Is there a way of excluding certain inst vars from
> certain objects?

Eliot and the rest....Martin implemented this feature in
Fuel-MartinDias.258. For the moment, we decided to put
#fuelIgnoredInstanceVariableNames at class side.

Behavior >> fuelIgnoredInstanceVariableNames
    "Indicates which variables have to be ignored during serialization."


MyClass class >> fuelIgnoredInstanceVariableNames
  ^ #('instVar1')

The impact in speed is nothing, so this is good. Now....we were thinking if
it is common to need that 2 different instances of the same class need
different instVars to ignore. Is this common ? do you usually need this ?
We checked in SIXX and it is at instance side. Java uses the prefix
'transient' so it is at class side...



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