On Sep 4, 2011, at 1:53 PM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

> On Sep 4, 2011, at 1:00 PM, Lukas Renggli wrote:
>> On 4 September 2011 12:18, Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.duca...@inria.fr> 
>> wrote:
>>> On Sep 4, 2011, at 11:11 AM, Lukas Renggli wrote:
>>>>> Now may be the default should be inverted.
>>>>> Not styled by default else we should really have a look at all the places 
>>>>> where we should not shout and fix them.
>>>>> Because it looks strange to have a red text in inspector left pane 
>>>>> especially when shout tries to parse anOrderedCollection (........)
>>>>> Do you do that in OB?
>>>> Yes, by default all panes in OB are not shouted. If you load the
>>>> package OB-Shout it adds a couple of #shoutAboutToStyle: methods to
>>>> the models of the editors that require highlighting. The
>>>> #shoutAboutToStyle: methods configure Shout as necessary with the
>>>> class, extra bindings required, etc. Depending on the contents of the
>>>> text pane (class def, method def, comment) Shout is configured
>>>> differently, or even disabled.
>>>> It is great that Alan is restoring this previous behavior again,
>>>> because it made the system truly extensible (also with alternative
>>>> highlighters like the PP based variation of Shout that Helvetia was
>>>> using).
>>> sure we did not break it on purpose just lack of documentation.
>> I did not say that.
> I know :)
>> It is kind of surprising not to notice all the
>> #shoutAboutToStyle: everywhere that are suddenly not used anymore :-/
> learning is difficult when you have to learn too many things at once. 
> You take the first actions that works and since it works your mental model 
> does not push you 
> to look for a better solution. Now with the help that alain is preparing then 
> we will just read it, say ahhahah ok and behave correctly. 
>>> Now my point is that may be in addition the default behavior should be not 
>>> to style.
>>> else we will have to put a aboutToStyle to any model that do not care about 
>>> shoutatall.
>> Not to style was the default behavior of Shout.
> ah ok.
> I do not understand then why the inspector shouts some unwanted text. I will 
> have a look during one boring meetings one of these
> day.

The inspector is shouted because the "not to shout" was the default behavior of 
Shout, but now,

        self shoutEnabled 
                ifFalse: [^ false].
        (model respondsTo: #shoutAboutToStyle:) 
                ifFalse: [^true].
        ^model shoutAboutToStyle: self

the bold part make the default behavior "to shout".

So maybe this value should be changed. But let's wait for Alain explanation :)


>> Lukas
>>> Stef
>>>> Lukas
>>>> --
>>>> Lukas Renggli
>>>> www.lukas-renggli.ch
>> -- 
>> Lukas Renggli
>> www.lukas-renggli.ch

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