On 29.01.2012 19:39, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

No, it does not.

Please elaborate: I really can't see the difference between doing a merge 
(either an easy one or a more diffucult one over multiple files, spread over a 
couple of days, with intervening changes by others) using either Monticello or 

The scalability limits of Monticello are well understood. PackageInfo doesn't 
scale, at all. You put too many classes in a package, and snapshotting gets 
really slow. Don't believe me? Make a change in Morphic which has only 200 
classes and save it.

You confuse artifacts and models.

No, because in the real world compared to the Smalltalk Theoretic Perfect World it doesn't matter how things could scale, it matters how things do scale. See [1]

 [1] http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?SufficientlySmartCompiler


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