On 14 February 2012 20:04, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianop...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 7:35 PM, Stéphane Ducasse
> <stephane.duca...@inria.fr> wrote:
>> students in the lecture on windows downloaded cogvm I do not from where…
>> and used pharo1.3 and
>> some experienced crashes.
> This has been reported at least 10 times per week since the last 6 months.
> The VMs of the one click are FUC.. old and buggy. If nobody have time to
> make a new one click (we are all busy), please please please, remove it from
> the website. We give so much bad impression. It is worst than having no one
> click.

It was known before we released one-click, that VM is not perfect.
But we cannot delay the release because of that. It would make things
only worse.

Because every time you going to release, you can find one or another issue which
needs to be fixed before release.
What is important to understand, that we don't releasing a final
product, the Pharo releases
 are milestones on continuing development.
Yes, every release having issues and they cannot be perfect ,and there
are always will be things
which left not done/not fixed etc etc. So we need to accept that.

>> We will have to brand these vms because the situation is getting
>> difficult.
> No, that's a second step. Put it in Jenkins is the third. Do the first step:
> do a new OneClick BY HAND, with latest Cog, even without "pharo blessing".
> That way new comers will not run away from pharo beacuse it crashes.

And why you think that new one will be more stable that old?
i just recently built a windows VM.
it crashes occasionally/randomly in some bitblt primitive(s) during
drawing a progress bar
when installing MC package, i have no idea why.
I suspect a memory corruption somewhere when new classes installed in
a system , or
existing classes are modified by MC, and bitblt prim is just a
consequence of it.

Which not saying that we should not address this issue(s), but that
latest version is not
necessary more stable than older one.
To guarantee that there are no regressions like that, we need to setup
good testing infrastructure around VM.
And while we're still not there.. but will be soon.

>> I do not imagine how we can track these problems.
>> Stef
> --
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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