Can't help remember something old...

Clipper Summer '87.

The name was sticking for a long while.

You'll see the Seasonal Versions, which is quite a nice idea in fact
as it allows interesting themeing to take place.

There was a VM and blocks... A mix of a compiler and an embarked
interpreter. Wrote a ton of apps for businesses in order to pay for my
university fees. Worked well.  :-)


2012/6/13 Stéphane Ducasse <>:
> Call it SummerRain :).
> Yes this is a good idea.
> What we should do also is to push and validate metacello Configs. We should 
> really move on such topic.
> Stef
> On Jun 13, 2012, at 11:08 AM, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I started thinking on next release of Pharo 1.4 (which will be code named 
>> "summer", not an ugly number).
>> I've been monitoring the list and I think there are some things to improve, 
>> so I'm planning to add this things to new one click:
>> - pre-load OmniBrowser.
>> Why I'm suggesting this? Because nobody seems to notice that OB is actually 
>> working on 1.4 and everybody complains that "you cannot have refactors, 
>> blabla", which is just not true, but is causing a lot of bad feeling around 
>> what is a great release (yes, I'm making some constructive criticism about 
>> the list attitude, but also about our/mine communicational capabilities).
>> Original idea was to allow people to choose OB or Nautilus, since the last 
>> one will be the browser for Pharo in the future, but truth is that Nautilus 
>> is still a "technology preview"... and it will be there for all those like 
>> me, who want to use it.
>> Finally, most important issue is that newcomers expect to have a full 
>> environment working out of the box, and they don'y know how to use the 
>> Configuration Browser.
>> - pre-load Spotlight
>> Yeah, another small tool who can make your life easy.
>> Why? just because I'm tired of seeing all of you typing class names at 
>> workspace and press cmd+b later... or using some more uncomfortable ways to 
>> reach your code.
>> If you still prefer those ways, is up to you ;)
>> So far, this and the bugfixes we already made (and some more)...
>> What do you think?
>> Esteban

Philippe Back
Dramatic Performance Improvments
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