On 3 September 2012 17:09, Sean P. DeNigris <s...@clipperadams.com> wrote:
> Igor Stasenko wrote
>> for me it is not a problem, since 'nb' prefix kinda already says
>> something , like 'watch it, you entering different domain here'..
> Ahh... I see. In that case, I retract what I said... I have no opinion here
> :)
just imagine you need to write a code which reads raw integer(s) from
either byte array(s)
or external address.

so, you will need to write either:

bytarray nbUInt64AtOffset: 10 put: 20


bytearray nbUInt64At: 10 put: 20.

from other side, i thinking maybe Javier is right..
because after just typing two of the above, i have an intuitive
feeling that whenever selector ends with 'At:'
it should be about working with a single element in array (and
therefore a keyword argument i need to pass should be a element index,
which as we know in smalltalk should be 1-based)..

In contrast, if keyword ends with 'Offset' word, it is absolutely
clear that it is not about fetching an element from array.

Even more, ending with At: is still leaves room for guessing, like,
does that argument is then multiplied with type size or not,
nbUInt64At: 8 --> a real memory offset will be 8*8
while for
nbUInt8At: 8 --> a real memory offset will be 1*8

so, i vote for
bytarray nbUInt64AtOffset: 10 put: 20

form, despite that i don't like that it is more longer. But it is explicit one.

just try to type it youself and listen what you feel :)

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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