Hannes wrote: >If I open the Pharo one click 2.0 on Windows by double-clicking on >'NBCog' I get a 'Choose file' dialog
Yes, this is a problem with the (current) double-click build. See my post here: http://lists.gforge.inria.fr/pipermail/pharo-project/2013-February/074358.html Quick fix is to just rename CogVM.ini into NBCog.ini and it works. We should make sure the INI file is always named like the VM. Background: =========== The (Windows) VM executable (if I remember the code correctly) looks for the image file like this: 1. If there is an *.ini file that is named like the VM executable (for instance NBCog.exe -> NBCog.ini or Pharo.exe -> Pharo.ini) then this INI-File is processed to initialize the VM. If this ini File contains an entry called "ImageFile" then it searches for the location given there. This is from old Squeak times and described here: http://squeakvm.org/win32/settings.html 2. If there is no ini File it looks in the current directory (usually the directory where the VM executable is placed when you double click in explorer) for a file with an *.image extension. If it finds exactly one then this is started. You can try this if you extract a VM and an image in the same directory. If the Windows VM does not find an image file or more than one files with the *.image extension (after multiple saves) then a file dialog is opened. This is absolut correct - but in the Pharo one-click the image is unfortunately not in the same folder as the VM. The directory layout for Pharo one-click uses a special "Contents\Resources\" subfolder for the image - maybe to have a cleaner root folder. This conflicts with this default searches... So if there is no ini file found and no image then it opens the file dialog. Bye T.