
if you want me to continue to interact with you on this topic (which I hope) :)
you will have to read the document :) Read it it takes 10 min on this point and 
you will see what we are starting to do.
I wrote it specifically to document this kind of discussion but I will not 
reproduce it in emails :)

We hope to have a first beta for June and it will be Cool and once it will be 
there nobody will not want to use it.

I'm writing other chapters for the new book and this is an important task. Even 
if it is somehow boring too :).


> Yes. I should have said "What is it that you want for Pharo, _in this
> case_?" I understand (and support) the Pharo vision in general, but
> I'm not clear on what you mean by "I have been there and now I know
> what I want for Pharo."
> I mean, SqueakMap is abysmally ugly, hard to navigate, etc. etc. And
> yet, the core idea is sound: a place that lets you find cool packages.
>> A nice note: I browsed it 3 min  and this is cool to see that some parts 
>> have already been done. The cool
>> aspects is that I'm quite confident that we will implement the vision and do 
>> a lot more.
>> Now to reply to your question is a bad three line (the full answer is nicely 
>> explained in the vision doc): I want an automated validated tested 
>> distributions and core system. I want that users can click on a package and 
>> that it loads and all the tests are green and  the smallLint rule ok. I 
>> think that this is a minimum.
>> And I do not want to rely on servers that can disappear.
> I tell what _would_ be cool: something that does what SM does - lists
> available packages, tells you what Smalltalks those packages claim to
> support... and also automatically tells you the dependencies (easily
> doable thanks to Metacello) and - most importantly - _periodically
> verifies_ the claims. So you go to the site and it says "PetitParser
> runs on Pharo 1.4, 2.0, Squeak 4.4, 4.5 and Cuis 4.1" Wouldn't it be
> really cool if SM-like thing actually verified these claims? (It would
> have to farm out the task elsewhere, of course.)
> Actually, GitHub almost does all of what we need: it's searchable, and
> you can easily hook things like Travis CI to show that your project
> works. (But of course Travis CI is inadequate for the kinds of
> cross-platform stuff we typically write.)
> frank
>> Stef

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