On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 2:23 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:

> Hi Eliot,
> On 07 Mar 2013, at 23:12, Eliot Miranda <eliot.mira...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I seem to be talking to thin air.  If you would use an up-to-date VM
> your crashes would disappear.  This bug was fixed this last week.  You are
> using a VM from December of last year.  Of course if you don't want to fix
> your bug lease continue to ignore anything I might have to say.
> I tried using your latest cog vm, but the Pharo 2.0 image side check
> complained:
> checkVMVersion
>         "Display a warning if the VM is too old"
>         | displayError |
>         displayError := [ ^ self inform: 'Your VM is too old for this
> image. Please download the latest VM.' ].
>         [(VirtualMachine interpreterSourceDate > '2012-07-08+2:00' asDate)
>                 ifFalse: displayError
>         ] on: Error do: [ :e| displayError value ].
> I was unsure if this was a real problem or not ?
> Maybe it just fails to extract the date ?

Yes.  It's using a primitive my Cog VMs don't have. :(  In any case,
Esteban has (I believe) updated the Pharo VM with the relevant fixes.  So
the solution is to use the latest Pharo VM.

Apologies for my intemperate tone.  IO notied after I hit send that you'd
seen my mention of fixed VMs earlier.

> interpreterSourceDate
>         "Return the date of changes given by `self
> interpreterSourceVersion`"
>         | dateString parts |
>         dateString := (self interpreterSourceVersion splitOn: 'Date: ')
> second.
>         dateString first isDigit
>                 ifTrue: [
>                         "most probably the date is in ISO 8601 Format"
>                         ^ dateString asDateAndTime ].
>         "Otherwise assume the old format: DDD MMM DD HH:MM:SS YYYY +TTTT
> ..."
>         parts := dateString substrings first: 6.
>         "create a more reasonable string.."
>         dateString := String streamContents: [ :s |
>                 s
>                         nextPutAll: (parts at: 5 ); space; "year"
>                         nextPutAll: (parts at: 2 ); space; "month name"
>                         nextPutAll: (parts at: 3 ); space; "day of month"
>                         nextPutAll: (parts at: 4 ); space; "time"
>                         nextPutAll: (parts last); space    "timezone"].
>         ^ dateString asDateAndTime
> Sven


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