On Thu, Mar 07, 2013 at 11:23:22PM +0100, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
> Hi Eliot,
> On 07 Mar 2013, at 23:12, Eliot Miranda <eliot.mira...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I seem to be talking to thin air.  If you would use an up-to-date VM your 
> > crashes would disappear.  This bug was fixed this last week.  You are using 
> > a VM from December of last year.  Of course if you don't want to fix your 
> > bug lease continue to ignore anything I might have to say.
> I tried using your latest cog vm, but the Pharo 2.0 image side check 
> complained:
> checkVMVersion
>       "Display a warning if the VM is too old"
>       | displayError |
>       displayError := [ ^ self inform: 'Your VM is too old for this image. 
> Please download the latest VM.' ].
>       [(VirtualMachine interpreterSourceDate > '2012-07-08+2:00' asDate)
>               ifFalse: displayError
>       ] on: Error do: [ :e| displayError value ].
> I was unsure if this was a real problem or not ?

This method in the image is completely wrong and misleading. The VM that
was being used is clearly *not* out of date. If the intent is to give the
user a message that says "please use only the latest Pharo VM", then it should
say so.

To check explicitly for a Pharo VM I would suggest adding a primitive or VM
parameter that identifies the VM as Pharo-specific so the checkVMVersion can
distinguish an out-of-date Pharo VM and provide an appropriate warning message.

It is really not fair to ask Eliot to spend his time debugging "Cog problems"
when the image is sending incorrect error messages.


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