What would be good is that when we get the sender/implementor is to get 
        - the name of the entity as first entry in the menu
        - get the entity selected in the text.

blockClosureValue: aBlockClosure message: aMessage
        newMessage := Message selector: #valueWithArguments: arguments: (Array 
with: aMessage arguments).
        ^self blockClosureValueWithArguments: aBlockClosure message: newMessage

when I'm on selector: it works I get selector:arguments: 

now when I'm  #valueWithArgurments it does not 

What would be cool is to have a way to select the enclosing expression but you 
know it:)

When can we push that into 3.0


> Hello! After some work I think that Smart Suggestions it's ready to have some 
> real feedback to continue growing up :)
> What is it?
> The idea it's to have suggestions based in the text selected or the cursor 
> position.
> Actually there are suggestions for:
> - Temporary/Instance/Class Variable
> - Class
> - Method (when you are in the selector)
> - Source (multiple lines)
> - Message
> How to install it?
> Gofer it 
>       smalltalkhubUser: 'gisela'
>        project: 'SmartSuggestions';
>       package: 'SmartSuggestions';
>       load.
> Some screen shots: (to activate de menu the shortcut es Ctrl + t for windows 
> or unix and Command + t for mac)
> <Method.png>
> <ClassVariable.png>
> <Message.png>
> How to define a new action?
> It's easy to define your own action only use the pragma in your custom method 
> and make sure to retunr an instance of SugsSuggestion, examples in 
> SugsSuggestionFactory are categorized by the selection.  
> If you have some comments I will be very happy to heard about, I have removed 
> the actions form nautilus menu, because it was to much visual noise (at least 
> for me) if you want to add it, only uncoment the pragma in: 
> #SugsMenuBuilder>>addSuggestionToSourceCodeMenu:
> ps: It could appear a DNU when fetching the suggestions for a class variable 
> the description and solution are in 
> https://pharo.fogbugz.com/default.asp?10380#75204

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