I can add the entrance in Nautilus menu today, I didn't think in that and
it can be cool.
I want to put some contextual information about the selection.

I think that on Friday I can make the slice.

2013/4/24 Goubier Thierry <thierry.goub...@cea.fr>

> Le 24/04/2013 10:29, Norbert Hartl a écrit :
>> Am 24.04.2013 um 10:00 schrieb Goubier Thierry <thierry.goub...@cea.fr
>> <mailto:thierry.goub...@cea.fr**>>:
>>  Maybe we can make a destination between two cases:
>>>> 1) cursor is placed somewhere. Here people are interested in
>>>> suggestions. The context menu like it is now makes sense
>>>>     (I would add one entry for the suggestions, in addition to the
>>>> shortcut)
>>>> 2) The user *selected* something explicitly. Here I think we should show
>>>> a modified context menu that only has those things
>>>>      the make sense on the selection. Nobody want to "Debug it" a
>>>> variable, or "print it" a syntactically invalid selection...
>>> Hum, this one looks cool. The default action menu is quite long
>>> (debugIt, exploreIt, etc...) and making it shorter is a nice touch.
>> Yes, but unfortunately it doesn't work that way most of the time for the
>> unexperienced.. Learning a UI means knowing where things are. A changing
>> context menu mostly leads to confusion because you struggle finding
>> things you saw before. Those things only make sense if you're already
>> comfortable with the UI and the environment. I think that is one reason
>> we menu entries are often just greyed out. This way you have the
>> orientation because the menu is of the same shape and by seeing greyed
>> out stuff you can immediately learn that some menu entries do not make
>> sense in this context.
> Yes. You're right for that, however, the issue is that the base menu is
> too long from an UI point of view (no more than 7 +/-2 elements). The
> minimum you get on a code pane (when you build the menu yourself properly,
> as I do for the AltBrowser) is 12 commands: (accept, cancel, undo, redo,
> cut, copy, paste, do it, print it, inspect it, explore it, debug it) with
> the last five greyed out if you haven't selected anything.
> It looks hard to decrease to a more reasonable number - especially the
> five ways of executing some selection.
> Suggestions are very much selection or cursor dependent; and there will be
> a lot of them, so greying out will be unmanageable. I don't think that
> having a menu long and deep, with just a few entries non-greyed out, will
> be usable. And given that the suggestions are selection/cursor based,
> guessing when a greyed entry will activate itself will be an interesting
> exercise for a newcomer :)
>  Maybe the way it can work is to have this as an option. First grey out
>> things and the expert can switch them off to make disabled entries
>> invisible.
> Or have a suggestions submenu which restrict changing entries to a subset
> of the menu: Main, essential items are few and fixed; changing things are
> restricted to a specific submenu.
>  But then I'm far from being an UI/UX expert.
> Me neither. I worked in that field a long time ago, but that's all.
> Thierry
>  Norbert
> --
> Thierry Goubier
> CEA list
> Laboratoire des Fondations des Systèmes Temps Réel Embarqués
> 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex
> France
> Phone/Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 08 32 92 / 83 95

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