Hi Esteban!

Thanks a lot, I tried your code and it's working for me, so the problem
must be somewhere else.

I set up a logger in VOMongoSerializer >> #serialize:description:using: and
I can confirm it keeps jumping back and forth between two related objects,
but I don't really know why...

#new is overriden in my model classes, could this have any impact?

2013/6/11 Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> sorry... I has been running like hell last two weeks.
> I posted a reply
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17039914/how-to-persist-graphs-presenting-circular-references-in-voyage
> but sadly no good news... I don't know where is your error. Probably a
> problem in your configuration.
> I have in my TODO list to write a comprehensive documentation for voyage,
> but I'm not sure when I will have the time to finish it... I promise next
> weeks :)
> Esteban
> On Jun 11, 2013, at 10:41 AM, Bernat Romagosa <
> tibabenfortlapala...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Bump?
> 2013/6/6 Bernat Romagosa <tibabenfortlapala...@gmail.com>
>> Hi!
>> I'm having an issue I don't recall having had about half a year ago when
>> trying out Voyage.
>> In my schema, a *User* has an *instVar* referencing all the *Center*s he
>> belongs to, and a *Center* has an *instVar* referencing all of its *User*s,
>> so when the Voyage serializer tries to serialize a user (or a center), it
>> goes into an infinite loop trying to find the end of the reference chain
>> and the image clogs.
>> I remember saving the exact same schema a while ago without a problem, is
>> there something new I should know about?
>> BTW, I'm using the #bleedingEdge version, with Magritte3 and all.
>> Thanks! :)
>> --
>> Bernat Romagosa.
> --
> Bernat Romagosa.

Bernat Romagosa.

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