Hi everyone,

I finally got around to check back on a Spec question that popped up about
two weeks ago.

At that time I was giving Spec a first try and gathered information from a
couple of sources.
One of them was the draft chapter about Spec from the Pharo for the
Enterprise book.


The example has the following method:

    example whenTextIsAccepted: [ changes text: 'The text Changed'.
acceptChanges enable ].

This should change the text of the 'changes' LabelModel when the text
in the 'example' TextModel is accepted.

Now, there the issue for me was that the Label text did not change once
when I typed text into the presented textfield.
Even when I changed the method from 'whenTextIsAccepted:' to
Is this intended or is this an issue with Spec?

Also, it is not clear to me what 'accepting' text means (maybe I didn't
look thoroughly enough).
The method comment just states that it is called when the text is accepted.
Which is kind of self referential ;-)

The OS X Pharo versions I used for testing where newly downloaded Pharo 2.0
and 3.0 from about 2 weeks ago.
They were downloaded from here:


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