Hello Ben and Clément,

thanks for the quick reply.
But even when I hit Cmd+s the Text of the label stays the same and the
button is not enabled.
No matter if I use 'whenTextChanged:' or 'whenTextIsAccepted:'.

I only tested this in the Pharo 2.0 image.


On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 2:22 PM, Clément Bera <bera.clem...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hey,
> Accepting a text usually means the is compiled. To accept a text, right
> click on it, then click accept in the contextual menu (at the bottom). You
> can also do it with Cmd+s on Mac.
> Try again and tell us if the #whenTextIsAccepted: works fine in your
> image or not.
> Best,
> 2013/10/24 Benjamin <benjamin.vanryseghem.ph...@gmail.com>
>> Text is accepted when you “save” it (cmd+s)
>> Ben
>> On 24 Oct 2013, at 14:05, Manfred Kröhnert <mkroehner...@googlemail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I finally got around to check back on a Spec question that popped up
>> about two weeks ago.
>> At that time I was giving Spec a first try and gathered information from
>> a couple of sources.
>> One of them was the draft chapter about Spec from the Pharo for the
>> Enterprise book.
>> https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/PharoForTheEnterprise/ws/Spec/Spec.pier.pdf/*view*/
>> The example has the following method:
>> TestSpec>>initializePresenter
>>     example whenTextIsAccepted: [ changes text: 'The text Changed'. 
>> acceptChanges enable ].
>> This should change the text of the 'changes' LabelModel when the text in the 
>> 'example' TextModel is accepted.
>> Now, there the issue for me was that the Label text did not change once
>> when I typed text into the presented textfield.
>> Even when I changed the method from 'whenTextIsAccepted:' to
>> 'whenTextChanged:'.
>> Is this intended or is this an issue with Spec?
>> Also, it is not clear to me what 'accepting' text means (maybe I didn't
>> look thoroughly enough).
>> The method comment just states that it is called when the text is
>> accepted.
>> Which is kind of self referential ;-)
>> The OS X Pharo versions I used for testing where newly downloaded Pharo
>> 2.0 and 3.0 from about 2 weeks ago.
>> They were downloaded from here:
>> http://files.pharo.org/platform/Pharo2.0-mac.zip
>> http://files.pharo.org/platform/Pharo3.0-mac.zip
>> Best,
>> Manfred

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