On 22 November 2013 05:09, Sean P. DeNigris <s...@clipperadams.com> wrote:

> Igor Stasenko wrote
> >> The better way is to subclass from NBExternalObject then
> > which made exactly for such purposes, by holding an opaque handle to
> > something (you don't care what is inside), and simplifies a lot of
> things.
> I made "NBExternalObject subclass: #FMOD_SYSTEM".
> I then tried to use it via:
>         system := FMOD_SYSTEM new.
>         err := self System_CreateNBExternalObject: system.
> With callout:
>         ^ self nbCall: #(FMOD_RESULT FMOD_System_Create(NBExternalObject
> system)).
> For the argument type in the signature, for good measure I tried:
> 1. NBExternalObject
> 3. NBExternalAddress
> All three with zero, one, and two *'s after. The only one that didn't
> report
> some variety of "An instance of Xyz expected" was
> "FMOD_System_Create(FMOD_SYSTEM system)" for which the library returns an
> invalid argument error code.
> yet again, you miss the right solution: you must pass a pointer to where
value will be stored
(since function doing exactly that).

so you should do it like:
1. "NBExternalObject subclass: #FMOD_SYSTEM".

2. method to call the function will look like following:
  create: system
    ^ self nbCall: #(FMOD_RESULT FMOD_System_Create(FMOD_SYSTEM * system)).

3. and call it like following:

  system :=  FMOD_SYSTEM new.
  self handleError: (self create: system) ifOk: [ ^ system ]

3a. optionally, you want want to initialize it just after you know that you
obtained correct handle,
to do that, you could do following:

FMOD_SYSTEM class>>new
  | system |
  system :=  super new.
  self handleError: (self create: system) ifOk: [ ^ self newWithHandle:
system handle ]

and newWithHandle: could look something like following:

newWithHandle: aHandle

 system := super basicNew.
 system handle: aHandle.
 ^ system initialize

(because it is important to set the handle first, like that you can
actually initialize something more
by using it, which you logically do, just after creating a new handle.
and note you must not call 'super initialize' then, because it will reset
and i'm sure you can find more elegant solution :)

btw if anyone wants to play with it:
> 1.
>     Gofer it
>         smalltalkhubUser: 'SeanDeNigris' project: 'FMOD';
>         package: 'FMOD';
>         load.
> 2. Download the FMOD library for your platform:
> - windows -
> http://www.fmod.org/download/fmodstudio/api/Win/fmodstudioapi10208win-installer.exe
> - Mac -
> http://www.fmod.org/download/fmodstudio/api/Mac/fmodstudioapi10208mac-installer.dmg
> 3. Copy the library to "FileLocator imageDirectory / 'FMOD Programmers
> API/api/lowlevel/lib/libfmod.dylib'"
> The working example is:
> | sound |
> sound := FmodSound fromFile: '/path/to/file.mp3' asFileReference.
> [ sound play ] fork.
> The broken one described above is: "FMOD exampleNBExternalObject."
> -----
> Cheers,
> Sean
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://forum.world.st/NativeBoost-Questions-while-wrapping-FMOD-tp4724116p4724192.html
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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