regardless ...

I did a sanity check on the contents of yesterday's and hit a

I then did a sanity check on the latest 3.0 installer and hit a different

At least on Win XP 3.1 that does not feel like Beta but like alpha, in my
experience.  Unstable.

Sanity check for a Smalltalk image

  open a browser
  open a workspace
  flip about in the browser  [across packages, classes, instance view,
class view, implementors and callers
  DoIt from workspace [never got here either time ; I would do smthg like a
ProfStef or call up a browser ; no set routine as that way lies madness ]

AND while doing the above, flip between windows, max /min [ I have been
doing this for years ... it takes only a couple of minutes - it is not a
step-wise protocol .... that would result in missing things that you
wouldn't expect - and it is in NO way exhaustive ... it is just a sanity
check ( Do you know what year it is? Who is the President of USA ?  What is
today's date ? How did you get here ? Do you know why you were
[arrested/admitted/removed from the aircraft/booted outa the bar ... ) ]

Hunch ONLY :

Likely culprit ... each time I also opened for future use (and to have some
frames open
   Metacello browser
   the 2 help items off the main popup menu (one general; one Tutorials - a
new user is likely to do so )

I suspect one of the latter, based on Last Class Changed for that image ...
but that will be my hunch for now ...



On 26 February 2014 07:18, Esteban Lorenzano <> wrote:

> On 26 Feb 2014, at 11:30, Robert Shiplett <> wrote:
> "BTW, Nautilus is stable and used daily by the whole community."
> This still rankles ... I have been a Smalltalker since long before Squeak
> and have been using Pharo since Seaside first ran on it - if not earlier
> than that ...
> I also received from another on the mail list
> "and in fact I cannot reproduce it."
> "And in fact" is such a wicked rhetorical move ... in a game I have lost
> all interest in playing now that I am retired.
> it is not.
> it was just saying that I tried your problem and I could not reproduce it.
> It was not to been rethorical or anything, just pointing a fact.
> I’m interested (and is also my job) on having the best and stable version
> of Pharo possible.
> I’m so interested that I was at 10min from leaving a my house to take an
> 10h fly and I sit to try to reproduce your problem.
> So, please… do not misinterpret the contents of the mail. It was an
> attempt to have an understanding of the problem, in an effort to help.
> An effort, btw, that sometimes is not easy, because we do not have all the
> elements to make the diagnostic…
> It may take me a lot of effort to track these 2 bugs down as far as
> "Follow these steps to reproduce" .. but then I am not a CONSORTIUM member
> ( I used to pay big bucks for Smalltalk, back in the day ) so may be I am
> too far outside the "whole community".... btw.
> The community is here. In this list. Around the list.
> Consortium is for companies willing to contribute with some money support
> (and so is the association for individuals), because things cost effort and
> effort implies time and time implies money.
> We always try to solve the problems of everybody (we, the community,
> including yourself), because that’s the best for all… so do not put
> yourself outside in a way we never say/act/even think about.
> We want to help you.
> I will spare you my plot's view of the term "stable" and the notion of
> stability ... and will be sure I rename key files as I go along ... [ why
> are we still having to rename files such as these when able to run multiple
> images in the same dir ? ]
> Your pov about stability can be ok. What is not ok is such amount of
> negativity over a simple fact: we has not been able to reproduce your
> problem (but you avoid the other obvious fact: we tried to reproduce it. So
> we did not ignored you).
> Again, I try to help, as everybody in the community… but such a negative
> over-reaction is probably just compared to my own overeacted answer :)
> Esteban
> ciao
> On 26 February 2014 04:36, Sven Van Caekenberghe <> wrote:
>> On 26 Feb 2014, at 01:57, Robert Shiplett <> wrote:
>> > I am running from that tonight and PackageTreeNautilusUI
>> >>update is getting a walkback messageNoUnderstood for
>> > receiver of >>protocolsFor: is nil
>> >
>> > I simply flipped to class view in Announcements and then flipped that
>> toggle back.
>> >
>> > Does this need to be reported, or is Nautilus still known to be
>> unstable ?
>> I can't reproduce this either, please be more specific.
>> BTW, Nautilus is stable and used daily by the whole community. Of course,
>> it is a complex piece of code with lots of UI and system interactions, so
>> issues are always possible.
>> Sven

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