Of course, integration is always an option ... but not a good one in any case, even if there is a way ... ;-)

I have seen your Pharo/Blender video. Nice work ...


Am 31.07.2014 um 12:38 schrieb kilon alios:

I dont know anything about data sciences but this looks like the dilema I was into. I love making 3d graphics and I love pharo. But those two dont mix togethere. Available 3d libraries for pharo are nowhere near my needs. As an artist and coder I use Blender and its API. The Blender Api is not even in C so I can wrap it with nativeboost. Its in python. So the whole thing at first seemed too much trouble for little gain.

With the help of great pharo people I found the way to exploit Blender via sockets I can use its python API and I can do this even using pharo syntax. To my surpriseb it was easy, fast and simple.Not that I have an issue coding in python. The project is WIP but so far it has been very succesful and it can only get better.

So I can only agree with the saying "where there is a will there is a way"

Afterall combining programming languages is a very popular choice.

Στις 31 Ιουλ 2014 10:59 π.μ., ο χρήστης "volk...@nivoba.de <mailto:volk...@nivoba.de>" <volk...@nivoba.de <mailto:volk...@nivoba.de>> έγραψε:

    Am 31.07.2014 um 09:07 schrieb Marcus Denker:

        On 31 Jul 2014, at 09:00, volk...@nivoba.de
        <mailto:volk...@nivoba.de> wrote:

            I am successful using Pharo + Roassal/Mondrian in
            analyzing and visualizing IT architecture models. And it
            is real fun. :-)

            But it is always good the see, what is happening outside
            the "camp" ... and yes, if i find outside better solutions to
            my problems i move forward ...

        Why not investing into what you use now instead of abandoning
        it? The “outside” solution only is better because someone
        build it. If that someone would have just moved on (“I would
        have done in F# but the other system was better so I moved
        it would not exist.

    I am investing ..... but my time is limited and if i am faster the
    other road, i go the road ... stupid, or? Btw, that
    is the reason, i am using Pharo and Roassal and i have never been
    so fast :-)

        Everything that exists is there because someone did it.

    Yes ...

        But strangely, most people see the world much more passive:
        things are there (“ex nihilo”), to be used. Passively.


    My view: The evolution of mankind is about building better tools
    with/on top of existing tools ... we
    have to choose the tools we use, to create our own tools. If Pharo
    and its framework/libraries matches,
    to the problems i have, it is perfect ... if not, i can start to
    add all the missing pieces or look for better
    tools ... that is the way it goes ...



"The more complex an object, the larger the investment in learning to use it, and 
the greater the resistance to abandon it.", NW

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