Kilon wrote
>Really nice I now see the teapot stuff, for example this
>GET: 'demo/common/style.css' -> [ self styleCss ];
>is really flexible meaning you can interpret http addresses and map them to 
>pharo methods. This a really cool idea indeed, I see now why people are 
>excited about teapot. Excuse my ignorance about web >development but html/css 
>and js always scared me away :D

I found it a very easy way to get some existing javascript app delivered fast 
from Pharo.
It needs a lot of refactoring and cleaning up to become maintainable though. 
Separate classes
for the angular components, and the canvas from Seaside to structure the html.

A more difficult aspect is how to create the javascript. For (qc)magritte 
applications it 
looks like a builder should be able to generate form components and a json data 
With GT it should even be possible to integrate javascript development directly 
in the
pharo image. 

And it might be better to use React or Amber or SqueakJS


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