"would it not be better to have the html / css and js code outside the
image ? so instead to load files instead of return strings ? "

*GET: '/index.html' -> [ self openspaceHtml ];  *

can be modified to:

*GET: '/index.html' -> [ self  fetch: 'html/openspace.html' ];  *

and the *fetch:* method can be coded to return the file statically
stored..   ( increase efficiency by using a cache with change detection on
say filesize / timestamp )

On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 1:51 AM, kilon alios <kilon.al...@gmail.com> wrote:

> would it not be better to have the html / css and js code outside the
> image ? so instead to load files instead of return strings ?
> this would make it easier to edit the code for html/css/js . GT js
> integration no idea how that works, does GT has for example syntax
> highlighting or other js specific features ?
> Even though I always have been a supporter of Amber the IDE has still a
> very long way to go. Dont know about Seaside, but I assume for Seaside js
> code will still be something foreign. I think in practice would be better
> to use the IDE tools offered by firefox and chrome, though its still
> possible to use both amber and these tools, amber does not produce readable
> js code. No clue about React and SqueakJS. I am very new to web dev so
> probably I miss a lot, but frankly I found the fragmentation so shocking
> and so many negative opinions about the whole workflow that I have been
> reluctant to invest as much time as I have invested in Pharo. But then the
> things I do are not so web orientated as other people. But still I am very
> interested into this.
> SqueakJS looks definitely  very interesting.
> On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 10:05 PM, Stephan Eggermont <step...@stack.nl>
> wrote:
>> Kilon wrote
>> >Really nice I now see the teapot stuff, for example this
>> >
>> >GET: 'demo/common/style.css' -> [ self styleCss ];
>> >
>> >is really flexible meaning you can interpret http addresses and map them
>> to pharo methods. This a really cool idea indeed, I see now why people are
>> excited about teapot. Excuse my ignorance about web >development but
>> html/css and js always scared me away :D
>> I found it a very easy way to get some existing javascript app delivered
>> fast from Pharo.
>> It needs a lot of refactoring and cleaning up to become maintainable
>> though. Separate classes
>> for the angular components, and the canvas from Seaside to structure the
>> html.
>> A more difficult aspect is how to create the javascript. For (qc)magritte
>> applications it
>> looks like a builder should be able to generate form components and a
>> json data binding.
>> With GT it should even be possible to integrate javascript development
>> directly in the
>> pharo image.
>> And it might be better to use React or Amber or SqueakJS
>> Stephan

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