We need a catalog of packages.
We started to build such a catalog as a prototype.
Now we are reimplementing everything.


Le 13/1/15 04:58, Laura Risani a écrit :
Hi all,

What are some tools / plug-ins/ projects / packages / frameworks
you find very useful or you use very frequently for development?
(please for each name it and state it's purpose)
I'm a newcomer to Pharo , so it hasn't to be something rare.

On the side...
I feel curious about how one gets to know about the existence of such resources. Is there any sort of "resources index" (like a wiki page with categories)? Besides books which can't be comprehensive because of their nature. Such an index would be extremely handy in many ways. Do you agree? Is it plausible, if it doesn't exist, to built it collaboratively?

It is a sad thing that useful tools go unnoticed when they could have solved a problem you faced or eased your work if only you've known about their existence. For what i've read on spread posts i feel like there are many such tools.

I had this experience of useful resource existence ignorance with TilingWindowManager (LaurentLaffont) and with RBConfigurableFormatter (by the way i can't figure out how to turn it on). Now i feel like having a multiclipboard would be useful (i have one on my OS but anyway...)


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