> Am 11.03.2015 um 23:03 schrieb Damien Cassou <damien.cas...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> The current pillar parser has several problems:
> - it is hard to understand and change
> - it discards input locations
> I think a refactor or rewrite is necessary. What are the pros and cons of 
> using PetitParser to do that? 
The cons are that petit parser is a heavier component and we should never 
underestimate that (just a reaction to a notion on this list). So we should 
avoid making things more complex, especially dependency wise.
The pros is that petit parser will make it easier to extend and maintain the 
pillar parser. I've read something about a new version of petit parser that has 
a speedup of aprox. 1.000.000x. If that is the case then it is no downgrade 
speed wise :) Another pro is IMHO that are some people that would like to move 
petit parser closer (not too close) to the core. That again would make it a 
more standard component that makes it easy to write parsers for everyone. A 
good companion if you have regex and you exceed to possibilities it provides.

I really have a bad feeling while saying: It would be good to have pillar based 
on petit parser.


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