It would be nice to have a parser to rule them all. I am currently using
SmaCC and gets the job done. I really like its condense syntax and its
syntax tool but also love the smalltalky feel of pettit parser.

Maybe one must bite the bullet and write perfomance critical parts in C or
even use a C parsing engine as a back end of pettit parser ?

On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 12:39 AM, Norbert Hartl <> wrote:

> > Am 11.03.2015 um 23:03 schrieb Damien Cassou <>:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > The current pillar parser has several problems:
> >
> > - it is hard to understand and change
> > - it discards input locations
> >
> > I think a refactor or rewrite is necessary. What are the pros and cons
> of using PetitParser to do that?
> >
> The cons are that petit parser is a heavier component and we should never
> underestimate that (just a reaction to a notion on this list). So we should
> avoid making things more complex, especially dependency wise.
> The pros is that petit parser will make it easier to extend and maintain
> the pillar parser. I've read something about a new version of petit parser
> that has a speedup of aprox. 1.000.000x. If that is the case then it is no
> downgrade speed wise :) Another pro is IMHO that are some people that would
> like to move petit parser closer (not too close) to the core. That again
> would make it a more standard component that makes it easy to write parsers
> for everyone. A good companion if you have regex and you exceed to
> possibilities it provides.
> I really have a bad feeling while saying: It would be good to have pillar
> based on petit parser.
> Norbert

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