Le 28/3/15 08:53, Marcus Denker a écrit :
I think we have not yet any good API for this… one problem is that the .changes 
is not only a transaction log, but in addition
the place where the source of a method is stored.

I would like to

-> make transaction log + source storage independent.
-> add a kind of “virtual” package for these generated entities so that there 
is no package that gets dirty when generating code
-> have a good API so one can distinguishes “system notifications are send” 
from “change is logged” and “source is stored”.

+ 1

On 27 Mar 2015, at 21:15, Johan Fabry <jfa...@dcc.uchile.cl> wrote:

Hi all,

for LRP I am auto generating classes and methods, and removing them when I no 
longer need them. This however produces a lot of entries in the change file 
that are not needed at all. So I am looking into generating and removing them 
silently, however with not much success. Can anybody help me out in how to do 
the following without having entries in the changes file?

- add a class (The standard 
subclass:instanceVariableNames:classVariableNames:category: message does not 
seem to have a ‘silent’ equivalent)
- remove a class ( aClass removeFromSystem: false.  still logs to changes, 
- compile a method (aClass compileSilently: methodstring classified: 
#generated. still logs to changes, apparently)
- remove a method (removeSelector: does not seem to have a ‘silent’ option)
- add / remove class variables (again, no ‘silent’ option)
- run a RBCreateAccessorsForVariableRefactoring

Thanks in advance!

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Johan Fabry   -   http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
PLEIAD lab  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of Chile

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