On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 7:08 AM, Avdi Grimm <a...@avdi.org> wrote:

> On Sat, May 16, 2015 at 4:23 PM, jtuc...@objektfabrik.de <
> jtuc...@objektfabrik.de> wrote:
>> I mostly work in other Smalltalk environments than Pharo, like VA
>> Smalltalk. It has native windows and so the ability to switch between
>> windows using alt-tab is there. I must admit that there is a certain
>> threshold in the number of open windows when this is not really helpful any
>> more. I tend to hit that number pretty fast in a typical Smalltalk
>> coding/debugging sessions.
>> Things have changed in Win 7, because there I can use the window manager
>> to close the windows right in the window switcher. That makes perfect sense
>> if you have 15 inspectors open, none of which shows current data or
>> instances any more. Or if one of them does, I can't decide which one ;-)
>> So sometimes I wish for features like "close all windows of this kind" to
>> kill all inspectors, for example.
>> What I want to say with this that I am not really using alt-tab to switch
>> between windows, but rather to kill a few to come down to a sensible number
>> ;-) But I understand why you miss it. For Pharo, there is a special
>> problem: it is its own windowing environment, so it should probably better
>> not use the O/S' key combination to switch its windows, right?
> Just as some food for thought for anyone contemplating this problem:
> Sometimes problems like this are indicative of deeper usability issues.
> Decades ago, it was just sort of assumed that the "right" way to deal with
> windows was to have a dedicated window for every "thing" in your system. To
> some degree, Mac OS, Wind95, and OS/2 all took this point of view. For
> instance, every folder you double-clicked on would open up a new file
> manager window, and this got to be such a mess that some OSes included
> "secret" shortcuts for killing them all at once.
> Then the web started to take off, and UX designers started rethinking the
> whole paradigm. They started keeping things in the same window, but adding
> back/forward buttons, and navigation histories, and sidebars, and address
> bars, and tabs, and other affordances to make it easier to switch between
> "things" without necessarily adding more windows.
> These days, most IDEs and editors have followed suit. I can't think of a
> single editor in common use among the programmers I know which encourages
> multiple windows. Whether it's Vim, Emacs, Sublime, IntelliJ, while you
> *can* open lots of windows if you really want to, they all focus on making
> it easy to manage lots of buffers in a single window rather than
> encouraging lots of windows.
> Personally, I'm a fan of this trend. I'm much happier typing a few
> characters to auto-complete the buffer I want to return to in Emacs, than I
> am hunting around in an OS window list for it.
> This is all a long-winded way of saying: just because this is currently a
> problem, doesn't mean it's the *right* problem. It would be interesting to
> see what a "fewer windows" approach to Smalltalk development might look
> like.
This is an interesting UI area to explore.  As a step in this direction,
the Window Menu (small arrow in title bar) item "Create window group" may
provide part of the behaviour you are looking for.
cheers -ben

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