> On 19 May 2015, at 16:51, Esteban A. Maringolo <emaring...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2015-05-19 11:41 GMT-03:00 Avdi Grimm <a...@avdi.org>:
>> It took thousands of programmers decades of work in many different languages
>> to create this variety. I'd hate to see the smaller Pharo community pour
>> tons of effort into re-inventing these solutions.
>> Which is why I'm suggesting that it may be more helpful to re-frame the
>> problem. General purpose window management is a problem that has been solved
>> many times over. Do you really want to do it yet again? I suspect that with
>> some careful examination of Pharo coding workflows, you could find a way to
>> obviate the need for zillions of windows, and solve a simpler problem
>> instead.
> +1



ps: (and two Esteban’s counts exponentially :P)
pps: but there are also other problems to take into account, and that’s also 
community culture. I know many people finds the amount of windows opened 
somekind stressing when they arrive to our little world… but it actually fits a 
purpose and change it to other solutions just because “everybody else does it” 
can probably do not work. A suitable solution for LISP does not need to be a 
suitable solution to Pharo, just out of the box. Which of course does not means 
I would not want to explore more efficient workflows. 
ppps: And of course, there is the effort that starting in other direction goes… 
even copying an existing IDE workflow would be a lot of work for us, so 
sometimes is better just to incrementally enhance, even if that means we will 
keep some metaphors during more time than desired. 
pppps: as I always say in this list, human-computer interaction is not an easy 
field and is very studied, so is not easily solvable with our always subjective 
opinion. In that sense, I completely share the feeling that we need to keep 
studying and experimenting with other communities experiences until we find 
something that we can reengineer into something we need/want. 
ppppps: I ran out of “ps”, but I couldn’t resist to put five “p" in a line :)

> Esteban A. Maringolo

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