I gotta say, I was *very* happy to see the Spotter in Pharo 4. This
approach, the grand unified auto-completing fuzzy find-by-anything box, is
one of the greatest programming UX advances in recent memory. There's a
reason there's now a version of it in every editor or IDE I know of.

That's not to say there's no place for a Browser approach. But what's
interesting to me is that I think the Spotter represents the 80% case. 80%
of the time, we have a good idea of what we're looking for and we just want
to get to it quickly. Browsers are more helpful for the 20% of the time
when we're new to the code and we're exploring.

On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 12:42 AM Joachim Tuchel <jtuc...@objektfabrik.de>

> We're in agreement here. It is nog about the panes per se. It's about the
> fact that once you reached an artefact to read or edit, there is no need
> for the navigation to cover a lot of space on screen. Multiplied by the
> number of open browsers. Until you commence your journey through your code.
> Then there is the problem of navigation being much more than just packages
> and class hierarchies. There is the question of why and how did I get here?
> That area is uncovered in most IDEs - not only Smalltalk.
> Another problem area is the longevity of a need to have some artefact
> open. How often do we close 10, 15, 20 inspectors at once, because we don't
> need them any more? When we look for the place where something started, we
> travel from implementor to implementor, via some senders until we finally
> get to where we can answer our question af hand. Sometimes we reach a dead
> end, need to go back a step or two and try another branch. But does it
> really mean we need each stop of the path as an open window? Forever? Or
> are there better ways to navigate?
> I am getting so off-topic it hurts, but these questions need an answer,
> and the Smalltalk community should be one that can solve them much more
> easily than others because our language lets us concentrate on the problem.
> Joachim

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