Thank you for the custom made class CardsSvgWriter

I loaded it from!/~StephanEggermont/Documentation


through the Monticello Browser.


Gofer new
        smalltalkhubUser: 'StephanEggermont' project: 'Documentation'
        package: 'CardsMorphic';

taken from above gives an error message.

I understand that there is no menu command yet to do the export so I did

    CardsSvgWriter newFile: 'cards.svg' on: (CardWall allInstances at: 1)

in a playground workspace window. I suggest to include that the context menu.

Texts are preserved in the svg file, so search is possible.

Fontsize is an issue: in the exported SVG file it is much smaller than
in the CardWall panel.

Adding a card by just typing the card text and hitting '<ENTER>' would be nice.


On 6/30/15, Stephan Eggermont <> wrote:
> The export as SVG is indeed easy.
> I've added this helper class to CardsMorphic-StephanEggermont.56
> It is not well-factored, and for now ignores font families.
> A class helper method to directly create a file:
> CardSvgWriter class>newFile: aString on: aCardWall
>       ^self new write: aCardWall to: (aString asFileReference writeStream )
> Write a SVG header, the size and then the contents of the cardwall,
> finally close the SVG.
> CardSvgWriter>>write: aWall to: aStream
>       stream := aStream.
>       stream nextPutAll: self fileHeader.
>       self fileSized: aWall fullFrame.
>       stream cr.
>       aWall cardSpace submorphsDo: [ :column |
>               self writeColumn: column].
>       stream nextPutAll: '</svg>'.
>       stream close
> SVG is an XML format
> CardSvgWriter>>fileHeader
>       ^'<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
> "";>
> '
> Take the SVG size from the CardWall morph. Two namespaces are needed,
> the second one to make the images work.
> CardSvgWriter>>fileSized: frame
>       stream nextPutAll: '<svg xmlns="";
> xmlns:xlink=""; viewBox = "',
>               (frame left) asString,' ',
>               (frame top) asString,' ',
>               (frame width) asString,' ',
>               (frame height) asString,'" version = "1.1">'
> For each column, write the title and a gray background
> CardSvgWriter>>writeColumn: aColumn
>       |background|
>       stream nextPutAll: '<text x="',(aColumn left+2) asString,'"
> y="',(aColumn top+2) asString,'" fill="gray" font-size= "11">'.
>       stream nextPutAll: aColumn title.
>       stream nextPutAll: '</text>'.
>       stream cr.
>       background := aColumn submorphs first.  
>       stream nextPutAll:      '<rect x= "',(background left) asString,
>               '" y="',(background top) asString,
>               '" width="',(background width) asString,
>               '" height="',(background height) asString,
>               '" fill="rgb(250,250,250)" />'.
>               stream cr.
>       background submorphsDo: [ :card | self writeCard: card ].       
> for each card, write its components
> CardSvgWriter>>writeCard: aCard
>       self writeCardRectangle: aCard.
>       self writeCardText: aCard.
>       self writeCardImage: aCard
> The rectangle still has hardcoded border and borderColor
> CardSvgWriter>>writeCardRectangle: aCard
>       stream nextPutAll:      '<rect x= "',(aCard left) asString,
>               '" y="',(aCard top) asString,
>               '" width="',(aCard width) asString,
>               '" height="',(aCard height) asString,
>               '" stroke="','rgb(240,240,240)'"aCard borderColor asHTMLColor",
>               '" stroke-width="', '1',"aCard borderWidth asString,"
>               '" fill="',aCard color asHTMLColor,'" />'.
>               stream cr.
> Positioning of text is different in SVG and Morphic. In SVG,
> it is the left-bottom, vs left-top in Morphic.
> CardSVGWriter>>writeCardText: aCard
>       stream nextPutAll: '<text x="',(aCard left+2) asString,'" y="',(aCard
> top+12) asString,'" fill="black" font-size= "10">'.
>       stream nextPutAll: aCard title.
>       stream nextPutAll: '</text>'.
>       stream cr.
> The avatars are jpegs. they need to be base64 encoded.
> Here they are repeated for each card, they should be
> written once and linked.
> CardSVGWriter>writeCardImage: aCard
>       aCard person ifNotNil: [
>       stream nextPutAll: '<image x="',(aCard right-32) asString,'"
> y="',(aCard bottom-32) asString,'" width="32" height="32"
> xlink:href="data:image/jpg;base64,',
>       (ZnUtils encodeBase64: (ByteArray streamContents: [:s |
>               PluginBasedJPEGReadWriter putForm: (AvatarCache default 
> imageFor:
> aCard person) onStream: s]))
>       ,'"/>'.
>       stream cr]

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