On Uto, 2015-10-20 at 11:09 +0200, Hilaire wrote:


potential Pharo user here who just installed 5.0 image on his Debian Sid
and researching whether Smalltalk (Pharo) can be used as language for
writing some multi-platform opens-source apps...tried/evaluated several
languages, but, considering I abandon idea to use {C(++), Java}, the the
most pragmatical option so far is to use Object Pascal  and
FPC/Lazarus(fpGUI), but someone recommended to inspect Smalltalk (I was
tinkering with Digitalk looooooong ago while using OS2)...

> I have been trying Fossil with Filetree, and I was rather please by
> the mutuals use of these tools. So I may share a few feedbacks.
> Fossil[1] itself is a software to manage source code development. It
> is very simple to install and data is saved in a single sqlite
> database. It comes with source code management, bug tracker, web
> interface, wiki and timeline tools.

so I'm delighted to see the talk about using Fossil for VCS tool with

> So all in all, it is pretty nice if one want to move to a private
> souce code management system with very little requirement.

For those Git-lovers, there is plan by Dr Richard Hipp (author of
Fossil) to provide support which "would allow you to "clone" repos off
of GitHub.  Or to automatically sync your Fossil repositories on
GitHub." (http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.fossil-scm

Where can I find more about using Fossil with Pharo?


He who is regulated in his habits of eating, sleeping, recreation 
and work can mitigate all material pains by practicing the yoga system.

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