On Sat, Dec 26, 2015 at 3:01 AM, Dimitris Chloupis
<kilon.al...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am on holidays to at London for Christmas with no direct access to my
> machine.
> But you can get a very good idea how to do what you want by taking a look at
> standalone Pharo apps like Phratch and Dr Geo . The good news is that is
> both very easy and extremely flexible. You can also change the icon of the
> app and and the name of the Pharo executable to make the user completely
> unaware officials Pharo existence. You can also add squeak to your google
> searches because they have been several posts about this in the squeak
> mailing list . Pharo is incompatible with squeak but it's still a fork of
> squeak so there is a lot of common ground.
> After that you can start removing packages you don't need, Pharo is in the
> process of of being modularlized so that is easy to start with a skeleton
> image. If you are in need of a specific Pharo library choosing Cuis which is
> also a squeak fork is simple and much lighter than Pharo image. Squeak ,
> Pharo and Cuis share the same VMs.
> Las but not least if you are on Windows there has been a thread on our list
> on how to make window installers for Pharo apps the easy way. You may want
> to google that too, I think Damien made a guide about it .
> We can go on and on and on how much Pharo can be customized. I even recently
> made an auto update functionality for me Pharo project ChronosManager which
> detects if the github repository has a new release available and downloads
> it so that the user use always the latest stable release without a need to
> worry about it or do anything about it ;)

Cool. Is that something possible to extract? It would be nice to see
such added to PharoLauncher.
cheers -ben

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