> On 28 Dec 2015, at 19:11, Robert Withers <robert.w.with...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I got you, stephano. I do not wish to be banned.
> Leaving aside established spiritual traditions, but picking out the pattern 
> for exploration, what would you say the meta-meme of Pharo is? In other 
> words, what is the mission statement? This would help me grasp the 
> motivations of the community and is not a meaningless exercise for the 
> community, from a leadership development perspective..



In an image, you can also do World Menu > Help > Pharo Zen

> best,
> robert
> On 12/28/2015 12:01 PM, stepharo wrote:
>> To conclude this thread, Robert I suggest that you stay on a technical 
>> discussion.
>> Do not force us to ban you (we will do it if you continue) because people
>> are distracted.
>> Most of us do not understand all these spiritual points and do not want to
>> read about them in such mailing-lists.
>> Stef
> -- 
> Robert
> .  ..   ...    ^,^

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