
On 03/01/16 08:08, Saša Janiška wrote:

What I can tell you is that Pharo is **really** productive.
I suggest you to jump and get the feel for real.
Then do an analysis of pro and cons.
Doing that in the air is just doing it in the air.
That's good advice...I'm a bit reluctant having feeling there are lot of
things to learn before really starting, e.g. with some other languages
it is very easy to provide call to C libs and explore things, while here
it seems that learning curve is steeper...but I'll jump into it.

I was in a similar place half an a year ago:


This is what I'm doing today:


So despite of the culture shock, it has been an excellent joyride! I have never been able to express myself and feel as creative in any other language/environment as with Pharo/Smalltalk.

Is a different, but valuable travel to take.



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