well, correct link is: http://smallworks.eu/web/projects/lawsuitTracker 

I made that app in one month work (just before coming to work in pharo). 

in one month I managed to: 

- create Voyage (there was nothing before, and MongoTalk driver was just an 
experiment not really finished… so I needed to finish also the driver… for 
putting an example reading was so slow that after a couple of tweaks a managed 
to transform a 1s query into a 10ms query… just to give you a hint)
- tweak glamour to provide better user interactions (often mixing 
glamour+magritte+glamour inside magritte+more magritte… :)
- wrap a PDF library (bah, finish a wrapper that already existed, in fact), and 
a generic “report tool” who of course use magritte
- create a custom query language “lawyer apt” (they don’t know about sql or 
databases :P) using petit parser 
- and learn how to close the image, so an user can have a desktop app without 
seeing a debugger or a class browser if something happened (errors where 
directly reported by me using fuel, in the first iteration mariano made, when 
he was still doing his phd and fuel was still an experimental tool)

the application is still in use (by 20+ lawyers in two offices of the same law 
firm) and they just call me one time in 5 years, and that was because they 
screw the mongodb installation, not a problem of the application.

Can I say I’m pretty proud of that thingy? :)

The main point is that using anything else (I worked in “java world” for 12 
years before jumping to Pharo, so I know very well what I’m talking about) I 
would take no less than 4 months on doing the same… using Pharo and their 
libraries I managed to do it in one month AND to create something valuable for 
the community. 

I would say both glamour and magritte are still fundamental if you want to 
provide a desktop application… even if you have to spend time learning them.

Now, about performance, that’s something always annoys me: people believing 
this will have a problem before actually having it… people believing they will 
need numbers they do not need. 
A language like squeak was very capable of having croquet, and a company like 
this one http://www.3dicc.com <http://www.3dicc.com/> use them to build virtual 
words and they are very successful. True, they are not second life, and they 
have some escalation issues, but they manage it pretty well… 
Even high availability games like eveonline are made using python (and not the 
scripting parts, the full game) and they are capable to handle battles of 3k 
users in a single instance… 

You think you need better performance than them? Most probably not… but even if 
you need it, I think you are missing the path: you use Pharo and if it happens 
performance is not enough, then you profile and optimise, probably using some 
external library: we have FFI and if that is not enough you can always do your 
own plugins… at the end, that’s what those guys do :)

I think is a lot more efficient (and agile) way to create an application… in 
the worst case, you can spend the time you save using Pharo on optimising your 
solution interfacing with C or whatever. At the end, you will have an 
application that is a lot more maintainable than using C or C++ as main 


> On 02 Jan 2016, at 22:51, Saša Janiška <g...@atmarama.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm looking how to build GUI app with Pharo and today found out
> screenshot of Lawsuit Tracker (http://smallworks.eu/web/projects/lawsuit
> Tracker) which very much resembles 'typical' desktop/business
> application. The web site says: "It is made using Pharo, Glamour,
> Magritte and MongoDB." and in my case I'd replace MongoDB with Sqlite3,
> have need for more grpahical output - something like:
> http://saravali.de/screenshots.html
> but wonder about other components and whether they (Glamour/Magritte)
> are still relevant *today* ?
> Otoh, today I was re-reading some stuff about Julia language which looks
> as fine langauge, but it does not fit on one psotcard, although it
> provides more "classical" way of developing: editor+REPL along with
> Gtk(.jl) bindings.
> The language does perform very well, iow. it's quite fast which is good
> for my project, but it's a bit cumbersome since there is no support to
> compile end application, while it looks that Pharo has advantage here
> providing smoother way of deployment (multi-platform wise).
> Any hint?
> -- 
> Even if you are considered to be the most sinful of all sinners, 
> when you are situated in the boat of transcendental knowledge 
> you will be able to cross over the ocean of miseries.

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